かずをかぞえよう① 解答

→English Ver.



小:4回(2往復) 花のかず4個
大:4回(2往復) 花のかず6個

小:2回(1往復) 花のかず2個or1個
大:6回(3往復) 花のかず8個or9個

大:8回(4往復) 花のかず10個(3個×3と1個×1)



小:2回(1往復) 花のかず3個
大:6回(3往復) 花のかず9個

小:4回(2往復) 花のかず4個
大:6回(3往復) 花のかず7個

小:6回(3往復) 花のかず6個
大:6回(3往復) 花のかず5個(1個、1個、3個)



小:2回(1往復) 花のかず4個
大:6回(3往復) 花のかず9個

小:6回(3往復) 花のかず6個
大:6回(3往復) 花のかず7個

小:2回(1往復) 花のかず3個
大:8回(4往復) 花のかず10個(3個3回、1個1回)



小:10回(5往復) 花のかず10個   
大:10回(5往復) 花のかず14個(1回だけ2個)    

小:6回(3往復) 花のかず6個
大:12回(6往復) 花のかず18個

小:4回(2往復) 花のかず3個
大:14回(7往復) 花のかず21個



There are different ways to count and answer. Let’s try thinking in various ways. Let’s also figure out how to do it with the fewest steps, the most steps, and so on.

(1) When there are 10 flowers:

Small: 4 times (2 round trips), 4 flowers each time
Large: 4 times (2 round trips), 6 flowers each time

Small: 2 times (1 round trip), 2 or 1 flower each time
Large: 6 times (3 round trips), 8 or 9 flowers each time

Small: None
Large: 8 times (4 round trips), 10 flowers in total (3 times x 3 flowers and 1 time x 1 flower)


(2) When there are 11 flowers:

Small: 2 times (1 round trip), 3 flowers each time
Large: 6 times (3 round trips), 9 flowers each time

Small: 4 times (2 round trips), 4 flowers each time
Large: 6 times (3 round trips), 7 flowers each time

Small: 6 times (3 round trips), 6 flowers each time
Large: 6 times (3 round trips), 5 flowers in total (1 time x 1 flower, 1 time x 1 flower, 1 time x 3 flowers)


(3) When there are 13 flowers:

Small: 2 times (1 round trip), 4 flowers each time
Large: 6 times (3 round trips), 9 flowers each time

Small: 6 times (3 round trips), 6 flowers each time
Large: 6 times (3 round trips), 7 flowers each time

Small: 2 times (1 round trip), 3 flowers each time
Large: 8 times (4 round trips), 10 flowers in total (3 times x 3 flowers, 1 time x 1 flower)


(4) When there are 24 flowers:

Small: 10 times (5 round trips), 10 flowers each time
Large: 10 times (5 round trips), 14 flowers in total (1 time with 2 flowers)

Small: 6 times (3 round trips), 6 flowers each time
Large: 12 times (6 round trips), 18 flowers each time

Small: 4 times (2 round trips), 3 flowers each time
Large: 14 times (7 round trips), 21 flowers each time
